My Wattpad love.

Jules is an introverted teenager who enjoys reading and surfing the internet. One day, when she has nothing more to read, she joins Wattpad, a virtual community of writers and readers.

That’s how she decides to start writing and uploading her stories for others to read. To her happiness, most of the comments are positive, however, there is someone who doesn’t seem to enjoy her stories at all but who, paradoxically, will be the one who changes her life.
While the protagonist is charming, intelligent and passionate, Evan, her stark critic, is antisocial and apathetic due to a terrible family history that marked him for life.

His silences begin to seduce her and lead her to fall in love with him, as ridiculous as that may seem to her. When they finally meet, Jules cannot resist his charm: Evan is handsome and mysterious, with a sexy voice and a prose that fascinates her, however, his constant change of attitude confuses her, as he goes from kissing her with unbridled passion to asking her to stay away, arguing that he is not someone good for her.

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